Twitter community note reply

The note is intended to reinforce the false notion that Human Beings are not equal with some being less worthy than others including themselves if they do not conform to the values of their Community or society xx

Muslim women are NOT Forced to wear the clothing, They only do so out of respect for their husbands if they are ultra traditionalist by nature. The clothing is to stop unwanted attention and flirting from men. Many women may feel forced to wear the clothing by feeling intimidated by ultra traditionalist family though. The equivalent would be evangelical Christians feeling forced to live as dictated by ultra traditional values in their own communities even though they know in their hearts it is wrong.
It isn’t a religious or moral thing, rather an ultra conservative control. Human Beings are equal and all face the same challenges in life regardless of religion.

The note is intended to reinforce the false notion that Human Beings are not equal with some being less worthy than others including themselves if they do not conform to the values of their Community or society xx

The original post is down here.

If Christian Nun’s habit doesn’t bother you but Muslim women’s hijab does bother you. It’s not your faith, it’s your bigotry.


Readers added context they thought people might want to know

the two are uncomparable. while the christian outfits are only for priests and nuns in service to church or monastery , the muslim outfit is compulsory for evry muslim woman as cited in their quran, 33:59 and 24: 30-31 and 42: 51; and in many hadiths from the suna.…

In the begining wip draught


0 seconds agoHi Anton, You just described the conditions inside a Black Hole and managed to prove what I always thought of as ‘What came before the Big Bang?’ In the beginning there was only light and this realm was void and without form due to the fact that space time only formed after there was light. You see, Every Super massive Black Hole is only a Black hole from our perspective in this realm (for want of a better word) It is the only way to describe the spirit realm which is outside time and space. The whole of creation exists within each of us but to grasp that is almost impossible because we are spirit yet physical and belong to this realm also. Lots of love, Pauline. xx

I just found a way to explain what I was shown in spirit by the Creator.

I have a lot of stuff to get done now. Oh dear. xx

private message to TT2

Can I take my moped through the tunnel. It has a top speed of 30mph but struggles a bit on steep hills but can maintain a steady 16 or 17mph. On very steep hills it takes about 30 secs to reach that speed from a standing start.
I would prefer to push it through the pedestrian tunnel as that would be safer and the pedestrian tunnel is not well used and normally empty.

I use the swing bridge if I have to travel across the Tyne but am not clear on whether or not I can legally use the tunnels. I don’t fancy actually using them, especially not the southbound one with the 40mph speed limit.

There is not much chance of me ever being tempted to risk using the A19 but you never know, it would save me an hours journey time you see.
I would push my little moped via the ferry if I didn’t think I would get ‘chased’ haha. xx

Anyone for Nazism

If Labour win the election what will change. NOTHING, they are part of a fascist/nazi/zionist regime. The name and label doesn’t matter but their hatred and disdain for OUR nation and way of life does. What fools we are to fall for the daily dose of MSM anti freedom propaganda. They even brag about their desire to leave Human rights conventions and prime all of us to go along with it by dehumanising/demonising and criminalising refugees fleeing from the chaos WE and NATO created in their homelands.

Beware the MSM. Has nobody else realised it is controlled in such a way as to create anger of certain groups or individuals. Anger can be addictive and lead to hatred which is a loss of ones Humanity, that personal internal knowledge of whats right and wrong that we should allow to guide us even if it means going against what the MSM, friends and family tells us is right and acceptable.

The next LAB/CON regime is just as phoney a democratic entity as all other Thatcherite regimes that have gone before.

Nazi style concentration camps are back.

If you like the idea of these concentration camps vote for the current con/lab (Lab/Con, same thing) regime when the time comes and unfriend me now. Love is life, our sacred internal sense of right and wrong is our Humanity. Beware, every choice we make in life IS important and affects the person we become. xx

So you don’t like Gypsies

When any minority group is stereotyped excluded from the majority of society and made to feel like they are hated and not welcome anywhere, the result is that they will only have their own family, community and loved ones to trust and rely on. They will in turn stereotype the majority and have no respect for them either.

How do minorities know they are seen as a stereotype and not as real people? They see and hear about it EVERY DAY via MSM and government. All minorities Human rights are being undermined but the real target is the general population, it’s all about control and creating ever more authoritarian law with the aim of destroying freedom and democracy for EVERYONE.

We all belong to at least one minority group – age, gender, disability, have a think. The biggest threat to our nation is our own regime and their idea that we should all THINK and BE THE SAME. It’s a form of Nazism. xx

Fantic Fanny

I retired a couple of years ago (as far as I am concerned lol) and never thought I would get back on two wheels but my boyfriend has scooters and a couple of e-bikes. I had a go on an e-bike and realised you dont have to be super fit to ride one, just have plenty of time to get where you have to go. I bought one and love it. I gave my car away so needed something for long range journeys, I have had bikes in the past and when my boyfriend gave me a Fantic Issimo 50cc c.1978 I fell in love with it.

I have had loads of bikes in the past, Im 65, I enjoyed them all but particularly enjoyed the smaller capacity ones. The only 50cc machine I rode was my dads Garreli when I was young, great fun. My fave was probably a GT185, ideal for commuting. Anyway I love me little Fanny Fantic and am looking forward to tarting her up, she’s only done 2,000 miles. My only fear is, will she start off from a standing start and get up one of the steep hills between my boyfriends and my place. She does a steady 20mph but I have not had to stop on a steep hill yet. xx

WIP Why is there war and chaos in the ‘civilised modern’ world. (It’s that dark side of Human nature again).

Working on this at the moment but feel free to comment on this article so far. Yes I know it’s just a question lol but what are your thoughts on the question itself? xx

Inquiry needed work in progress so just a few thoughts.

Nato/Western powers have been planning war with Iran for a long time, perhaps Israel started the genocide in the hope that it would trigger such a war. I think Western powers know they have lost control of the narrative and their populations will not stand for it as most people are not Nazi supporters.

Thinking ahead, we need a plan for when parliament is finished, perhaps the King will step in and dissolve parliament, service personnel swear allegiance to the crown not parliament and 90% of our population are horrified with the way we are lied to by MSM and both Cons and Lab (CONLAB fascist regime) We all know the reality yet our leaders continue to talk as if they don’t believe reality and just use wishful thinking. They knew this time would come which is why they have spent so long demonising Muslims as well as all other minorities and have given themselves ultimate powers to stamp out insurrection. Thatcher was just the first of a long line of Thatcherites, now both Cons and the official opposition have joined to push forward the final stage of a slow burn coup or rather CIA style regime change which started with the Winter of Discontent.

Another garden related tale

This shed came down from the sky during a storm and dismantled itself. Next doors brand new shed which they’d spent all day building the very day before the storm, was taken away by the severe storm force winds at the same time. Amazing coincidence.

I asked my neighbours if they wanted the shed that came from above but they were a bit sick of sheds at the time of asking so I left it where it fell. That was about 3 or 4 years ago. Boring tale but true. Life’s like that. Every cloud has a silver lining they say. This shed must have been from a cloud lined with garden furniture and roofing tiles. Never mind, I’m making use of this fine gift from the Heavens.

Another partial success, this time with an onion bag

I did intend to use a Sainsbury’s garlic bag but couldn’t find it so had to quickly find something else to hold the camera steady. The garlic bag has re-materialised so I will use it next time. It’s a more cosy fit and finer mesh. I did fix the onion bag problem with a hair thingy right at the end but then the battery ran out of power. Never mind, I know, all this is really boring but it’s true. If you want to buy me a coffee please make it decaff with milk and cream and two sugars, my boyfriend needn’t know haha. Doubt he’d be jealous anyway, he likes free stuff too.Thanks just in case. Well strange things do happen. Far too often in fact, got me not knowing if I’m coming or going. xx

My personal mobility solution(s)

I’m really excited, I don’t need my car except for journeys of more than 10 miles. Once I get my moped garage built I can give my little Penny-Me -Panda to someone who needs her. She’s a canny little runner and does 56 mpg but the tax is a bit much. Never mind, my ancient moped is tax exempt and should do 112 mpg. There are only two or three places I need to visit that are more than 10 miles away so I won’t need to put too many miles on the dear old thing.

Polly-Me-Ongo is my main personal transport vehicle. She’s a peddle assisted e-bike. I’m not too keen taking her out in the rain in case it affects the battery in some way but we have been caught out numerous times already as I live in England where we get all the rain we need, and a bit more sometimes, not complaining though.

Me and Polly have been together for about six months and I know I can get a decent range out of 15-20 pence worth of electrons which take 5 hours to download from the National Grid into the battery. A freshly filled battery in ‘M’ power mode gives us 25 to 30 miles range at a decent average speed of about 13 mph without much effort at all. I’m not tight fisted but am careful haha, so I like to keep her in ‘L’ power mode and just plod along at an average of 7 or 8 mph which extends the range to about 40 miles, might be a bit less depending on the hills and headwinds.

I took Polly on an overnight trip last November in cold weather, very wet too on the return journey the next day. That was a one way journey of 23 miles. There are loads of long steep banks to ride up in the last 10 miles of that journey and I was forced to use ‘H’ power mode after almost running out of gears on the biggest of them, there was still power left when we got there though. Took 2 and bit hours mind, I’m thinking of getting a better, more comfy sprung saddle after that weekend.

Polly is ideal for a ten mile ride if it is a round trip or includes a rest before the return journey. Now that I have a speedometer fitted I know my average journey is between three and seven miles. I have enjoyed every journey too, even the one that included getting blown off by a gale of wind when I stopped at a junction. I have perfected a technique to deal with windy junctions now, I put both feet down and stand up when stopped instead of balancing on tip toes. I do avoid travelling during windy weather though, or plan a sheltered route if there’s no choice and I have to go.

Polly my faithful ONGO e-bike

Never thought I would ever get back onto two wheels again, not at my age, what with me creaky joints and all that old age stuff. ‘Just you wait you’ll see’ me Mam used to say. Sounded like a curse at the time, turns out it was lol. x

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Last Chance for ‘LC’

The old girl needs a refit

8th April 2024

The first thing will be a survey by me and some photo’s taken for the record. ‘LC’ is a 40 odd year old Hunter Europa. A 19 foot fin keeled masthead sloop. Her history is know over the last 10 or 12 years. She was last sailed about 7 years ago and she sailed very well in spite of a very tired suit of sails. I know because I sailed her.

She has a taty, tired looking old mainsail with quite a big roach which makes the sail area bigger than standard, probably been raced many years ago or perhaps the mainsail has lol, it’s probably second hand. I bought LC from someone who was sailing a very nice looking boat of the same type which sported a much newer looking main and roller furling headsail. All the sails need replacing but I will keep the sail number that’s in the club register rather than change the number in the register. Less of a clart on.

I will be fitting a roller furling headsail too. I used to raise the main by standing in the saloon with the companion way hatch cover open. There’s only sitting room in the saloon but with the hatch open and roller furling headsail there would never usually be the need to climb onto the coach roof or go forward of the mast.

Hunter Europa. Start of refit 2024
Last Chance for ‘LC’

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UNITE, my letter to them and their reply

Dear Sharon,

I have had to leave Unite on a matter of principle. I asked three times if Unite was going to continue funding the Labour party which is complicit in the Gaza genocide and you failed to answer. I have to conclude that the Unite leadership have changed their long held views about supporting the Palestinian people and decided to ignore them and the mass murder of ordinary men, women and children. Moreover I think your continuing support for the Labour party which is no longer part of the Labour movement, means that you serve the same masters as the Labour party and never did support the oppressed Palestinian people in the first place. I have experienced this before as a Momentum member. I’m sure you know what I am talking about.

Anyway I stopped my direct debit the other week. I can not support any organisation that supports genocide. I joined a new party of the left called the Transform Party and as a socialist I will be fighting to bring about the conditions throughout the land that will nullify the need for any trade union. You should have been doing that anyway but you enjoy the status quo and posturing rather than actualy wanting to improve life for ordinary people.

Yours sincerely,

Pauline Stoker

Dear Ms Stoker,
Thank you for getting in touch, your concern about union funds going to the Labour Party has been
noted. Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.
Please be advised that our most recent Rules Conference voted against proposals to disaffiliate from the
Labour Party. However, we have made it clear that there will be no blank cheques for Labour.
UNITE’s executive committee have made publicly available the union position regarding the situation in
Gaza, for ease of reference this is attached here: Unite calls for an immediate ceasefire (Fri 3 Nov
I am sorry you have left the union. If you would like to discuss this matter further please let me know.
Yours sincerely,

Josh Berlyne (he/him)
Organiser, Unite the Union

So my conclusion is, All unions are suspect and I assume must be infiltrated by the state in much the same way as American unions were infiltrated (By the MOB who were being run by the CIA I guess).

Pity it took the Gazzan genocide to reveal the hand of Human Kinds only enemy. The dark side of our Human Nature is that enemy and the battlefield is not Gaza or Ukraine but the Armageddon within each of us. Incidentally physical Armageddon is a hilly area somewhere in Israel so I hear. Interesting no. xx

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Unite support genocide

Dear Sharon,

I have had to leave Unite on a matter of principle. I asked three times if Unite was going to continue funding the Labour party which is complicit in the Gaza genocide and you failed to answer.

I have to conclude that the Unite leadership have changed their long held views about supporting the Palestinian people and decided to ignore them and the mass murder of ordinary men, women and children. Moreover I think your continuing support for the Labour party which is no longer part of the Labour movement, means that you serve the same masters as the Labour party and never did support the oppressed Palestinian people in the first place. I have experienced this before as a Momentum member. I’m sure you know what I am talking about.

Anyway I stopped my direct debit the other week. I can not support any organisation that supports genocide. I joined a new party of the left called the Transform Party and as a socialist I will be fighting to bring about the conditions throughout the land that will nullify the need for any trade union. You should have been doing that anyway but you enjoy the status quo and posturing rather than actualy wanting to improve life for ordinary people.

Yours sincerely,

Pauline Stoker

Instructions in how to split T from LGBT By Steph Richards.

I find it strange that people and organisations like Kate Harris from





@runthinkwrite &

@bindelj claim they are from the left, yet seemingly adopt a far-right agenda. Here is an extract from Splitting the T from the LGB. Every year the, American Christian right-wing extremists attend a gathering known as the “Values Voter Summit” (VVS). Organised by the controversial Family Research Council, this networking event invariably takes place over a weekend in September or October – and is attended pretty much by all the right-wing anti-LGBT+ hate groups together with the anti-abortion groups. Sponsors include Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and The Heritage Foundation, which are closely linked to the UK’s Conservative Party. [check notes: I wrote Splitting the T from the LGB in 2021. It is now 2024 – we should add think tanks like Policy Exchange & Free Speech Union] The 2017 Values Voter Summit was special, though – President Donald Trump addressed the faithful gathering. He was the first President ever to do so. Trump was, without question, the most homophobic, transphobic and anti-Muslim President in modern history. Of course, at the Values Voter Summit, he thanked his election troops for his Presidential victory. But perhaps even though he was the most famous on the conference stage that weekend, he was not the speaker that changed the lives of so many people. Enter one Meg Kilgannon, a long-time advocate against #trans rights who, along with some others – was mooting that the #transgender community could be targeted, having accepted that the battle against #LGB folk (same-sex marriage) had been lost. The #HumanRightsMatter organisation Southern Poverty Law Centre (Hatewatch) reported Kilgannon saying this: “For all its recent success, the LGBT alliance is actually fragile, and the trans activists need the gay rights movement to help legitimise them. In other words, separate trans activists from the gay rights movement, and their agenda becomes much easier to oppose.Trans and gender identity are a tough sell, so focus on gender identity to divide and conquer. For many, gender identity on its own is just a bridge too far. If we separate the T from the alphabet soup, we’ll have more success.” Kilgannon identified a broad coalition of potential allies outside the Christian Right who could confront trans-friendly measures saying: “Explain that gender identity rights only come at the expense of others: women, sexual assault survivors, female athletes forced to compete against men and boys, ethnic minorities who culturally value modesty, economically challenged children who face many barriers to educational success and don’t need another level of chaos in their lives, children with anxiety disorders and the list goes on and on and on.The feminists make eloquent arguments that gender identity really is the ultimate misogyny and the erasure of women. And lesbians in the group are concerned that trans and masculine girls are a form of lesbian eugenics”. SPLC’s Hatewatch report was backed up by another group called “Right Wing Watch“, saying this about Kilgannon’s proposals: “Lesbians in the group are concerned that “transing masculine girls is a form of lesbian eugenics.” Kilgannon’s five-point tactical plan is for community organising: Engage, Educate, Explain, Empower, and Elect. To this day, Kilgannon’s rhetoric is disturbing; recently writing this: “As with any cult, transgenderism has its own set of vocabulary.” For Kilgannon, finding actors to split the T from the LGB was not difficult. A short time earlier, staunch Catholic Kaeley Triller Haver and anti-trans lesbian Miriam Ben-Shalom had co-founded the group “Hands Across The Aisle” with their website saying: For the first time, women from across the political spectrum have come together to challenge the notion that gender is the same as sex. We are radical feminists, lesbians, Christians and conservatives that are tabling our ideological differences to stand in solidarity against gender identity legislation, which we have come to recognise as the erasure of our own hard-won civil rights. As the Hands Across the Aisle Coalition, we are committed to working together, rising above our differences, and leveraging our collective resources to oppose gender identity ideology. The ‘Hands Across The Aisle’ website (at the time of publication of my article LINK… ) was still “live”. On one page, we find some damning information, though. At the very bottom of the page – the names of both Fair Play for Women and Transgender Trend sit under the title “From The Left” with links to their related websites. Also within the text of their website is the name of one Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, aka Posie Parker. SPLC Hatewatch also reports that on the same platform as Kilgannon at that VVS conference were Cathy Ruse and Peter Sprigg, both senior fellows at Family Research Council, with Ruse saying this: “Now, what about girls? Did you know that feminists are at odds with the transgender movement? Last year, a prominent feminist published a compendium of articles under the title of Female Erasure.The subtitle is: what do you need to know about gender politics’ war on women, the female sex, and human rights? What is the impact on girls who are bombarded with gender transition messages? In their young minds, do they hear that being female isn’t good enough”? Yes, this was a very long tweet, but it is important society knows why the so-called “gender war” is taking place in the UK and why politicians like

@KemiBadenoch &

@trussliz propagate it and have put their people into organisations like

@EHRC It is not the left wing that targets trans people; it’s the far-right and organisations like the ADF who have offices yards from Downing Street and a massive budget to spend here in the UK funding the trans-hostile organisations under the pretence of protecting “sex-based rights” or “LGB rights” – yes, LGBA you follow the fixed agenda to the letter dont you? The sad truth is some, like

@jk_rowling, apparently are willing to bolster the far-right agenda with extra cash, naive to the fact that these people intend, in time, not only to strip away ALL #LGBT+ #HumanRights but also #womens#abortion rights. Even people like

@millihill appear to be fooled because as much as I disagree with her on so many issues, surely she doesn’t want to empower the far-right and lose #AbortionRights because it will happen if we allow hate to win. And a final word

@jonathanliew was absolutely correct in saying the #parkrun saga originates from the far-right. The whole trans debate does, and it’s a FALSE DEBATE, MANUFACTURED TO SUIT AN AGENDA…..and that’s why folks like


@natachakennedy &

@sally_hines and others keep calling it out. #TransRightsAreHumanRights







@StopFundingHate THE END.

Institutionalised Child Abuse

There doesn’t need to be any interference from government or state. The various acts are clear and there is no problem other than from the Far Right and their media outlets which are providing daily anti Trans (Women) misinformation and propaganda.

There is no question that Transgender children DO exist and are a naturally occurring phenomenon. Trans Children deserve to be treated with the same level of love, respect and inclusion as any other child. Trans Children have the right to live as their true selves and not be seen as a stereotype. Transgender people have always been Trans and there is no lower age limit for recognition.

This consultation is an attack on the Human Rights of the British Nation. The proof is in the fact that there IS NO PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO BE TACKLED OR CONSULTED UPON. The problem is with the hate groups and bigots who seek to sow division, fear and anger which is harming our children NOW in the real world not some mythical made up scary alternative universe which only exists in the imagination.

The consultation is at

I didn’t get past this question as this is not a real consultation but a propaganda ploy to change the law and yes, ERADICATE Transgender people in the same way the Fascist Thatcher regime did to LGB people all those years ago with clause 28.

Leave a comment if you like. xx