Twitter community note reply

The note is intended to reinforce the false notion that Human Beings are not equal with some being less worthy than others including themselves if they do not conform to the values of their Community or society xx

Muslim women are NOT Forced to wear the clothing, They only do so out of respect for their husbands if they are ultra traditionalist by nature. The clothing is to stop unwanted attention and flirting from men. Many women may feel forced to wear the clothing by feeling intimidated by ultra traditionalist family though. The equivalent would be evangelical Christians feeling forced to live as dictated by ultra traditional values in their own communities even though they know in their hearts it is wrong.
It isn’t a religious or moral thing, rather an ultra conservative control. Human Beings are equal and all face the same challenges in life regardless of religion.

The note is intended to reinforce the false notion that Human Beings are not equal with some being less worthy than others including themselves if they do not conform to the values of their Community or society xx

The original post is down here.

If Christian Nun’s habit doesn’t bother you but Muslim women’s hijab does bother you. It’s not your faith, it’s your bigotry.


Readers added context they thought people might want to know

the two are uncomparable. while the christian outfits are only for priests and nuns in service to church or monastery , the muslim outfit is compulsory for evry muslim woman as cited in their quran, 33:59 and 24: 30-31 and 42: 51; and in many hadiths from the suna.…

In the begining wip draught


0 seconds agoHi Anton, You just described the conditions inside a Black Hole and managed to prove what I always thought of as ‘What came before the Big Bang?’ In the beginning there was only light and this realm was void and without form due to the fact that space time only formed after there was light. You see, Every Super massive Black Hole is only a Black hole from our perspective in this realm (for want of a better word) It is the only way to describe the spirit realm which is outside time and space. The whole of creation exists within each of us but to grasp that is almost impossible because we are spirit yet physical and belong to this realm also. Lots of love, Pauline. xx

I just found a way to explain what I was shown in spirit by the Creator.

I have a lot of stuff to get done now. Oh dear. xx

Anyone for Nazism

If Labour win the election what will change. NOTHING, they are part of a fascist/nazi/zionist regime. The name and label doesn’t matter but their hatred and disdain for OUR nation and way of life does. What fools we are to fall for the daily dose of MSM anti freedom propaganda. They even brag about their desire to leave Human rights conventions and prime all of us to go along with it by dehumanising/demonising and criminalising refugees fleeing from the chaos WE and NATO created in their homelands.

Beware the MSM. Has nobody else realised it is controlled in such a way as to create anger of certain groups or individuals. Anger can be addictive and lead to hatred which is a loss of ones Humanity, that personal internal knowledge of whats right and wrong that we should allow to guide us even if it means going against what the MSM, friends and family tells us is right and acceptable.

The next LAB/CON regime is just as phoney a democratic entity as all other Thatcherite regimes that have gone before.

Nazi style concentration camps are back.

If you like the idea of these concentration camps vote for the current con/lab (Lab/Con, same thing) regime when the time comes and unfriend me now. Love is life, our sacred internal sense of right and wrong is our Humanity. Beware, every choice we make in life IS important and affects the person we become. xx

So you don’t like Gypsies

When any minority group is stereotyped excluded from the majority of society and made to feel like they are hated and not welcome anywhere, the result is that they will only have their own family, community and loved ones to trust and rely on. They will in turn stereotype the majority and have no respect for them either.

How do minorities know they are seen as a stereotype and not as real people? They see and hear about it EVERY DAY via MSM and government. All minorities Human rights are being undermined but the real target is the general population, it’s all about control and creating ever more authoritarian law with the aim of destroying freedom and democracy for EVERYONE.

We all belong to at least one minority group – age, gender, disability, have a think. The biggest threat to our nation is our own regime and their idea that we should all THINK and BE THE SAME. It’s a form of Nazism. xx

WIP Why is there war and chaos in the ‘civilised modern’ world. (It’s that dark side of Human nature again).

Working on this at the moment but feel free to comment on this article so far. Yes I know it’s just a question lol but what are your thoughts on the question itself? xx